Mar 18, 2024
Love CR0 protecting the Original Allders buidling from 1862, an iconic part of The Croydon Landscape.
I am honoured to be part of the @letsdolondonbetter campaign bringing positive change in communities. In partnership with Unibail – Rodamco – Westfield & Centrale & Whitgift.
The breif was to bring positive energy & I was working alongside some other amazing artists.
All the pieces are animated, scan the QR to see the hidden messages in my pieces.
Love CR0 is about reflections.
I believe reflections & representation are so important. If we don’t see ourselves represented that can cause deep rooted problems. representation Gives us of a sense of place, something to relate to.
How do we know we exist if we cannot see our refelection? For my piece I have tried to reflect some of the people in my community, Croydon.

The origins of Croydon, we’re talking hundreds of years ago, started as a safe haven for weary travelers going to and from the south coast & London. Of course it’s evolved since then but it’s still a safe haven for people starting a new life. Anyone is welcome and this is where our strength is, and why we have such rich cultures and talented people here.
I believe a strong sense of place can positively influence the physical, social and emotional health of individuals in the community.
Mar 18, 2024
Rivers of Neon Graffiti, electric energy at Croydon Roller I painted this alone in 5 days.
Standing at over 250 Square Meters making it one of the biggest hand painted projects in South London of all time, all celebrating Croydon.
Pre-booked sessions were sold out for the entire Christmas Period.
In collaboration with Beautiful Productions, Croydon Bid, Centrale & Whitgift & Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield.
Croydon Roller a free event for the community.
Mar 9, 2024
The First People III – Thunder Rolling Down the Mountain
14ft Mix media mural – Acrylic, emulsion. ink, spray paint & 24K gold leaf.
One of the most noble Indian chiefs in the West was Chief Joseph of the Nez Percé tribe. This official name comes from the French “nez percé,” which means pierced nose, a reference to these peoples’ custom of wearing a piercing in the nose. The Nez Percé lived between the states of Idaho, Oregon, and Washington, a very fertile place that the North Americans soon started to covet. Although Chief Joseph was peaceful and tried to avoid war, the government violently forced them to move to reservations.

Chief Joseph and his tribe had no other option than to rebel in 1877, which led to a bloody conflict in which few more than 400 Nez Percé survived. Although they won some battles, they did not win the war. After, they were taken to a reservation where many died of hunger and thirst. He never stopped writing letters the US government, demanding the right, like all other United States citizens, to live where they wanted to live. Finally, in 1880, the fewer than 300 surviving members of the tribe were allowed to return to the Northwest.
One off Canvas Available on request
Dec 1, 2023
Iman – Spay Paint & Acrylic on recycled wooden panel covered in resin.
Muse: @imannperera Reference taken from her @guccibeauty shoot, Thanks Iman 🙏
Currently on show in the @thecronxtap @thecronxbrewery High Street Croydon.